Vanaf vandaag zijn de verb card and grammar card English available!
Interested? Send your name and school address to, we will send you a set of cards for free!
- Folding card, four-sided A4 format, laminated.
- Inkijkexemplaren zijn te vinden op de pagina’s van de verb card and grammar card Engels.
- De taalkaarten passen goed bij onze app Macco Lingui, maar zijn ook universeel inzetbaar.
- € 3,60 per stuk.
- Can be ordered directly from us ( or from book suppliers Van Dijk, OsingadeJong and Iddink. Ook verkrijgbaar bij lokale boekhandel Krings.
- Bij rechtstreekse inkoop ontvangt u 10% korting.
- Our language cards are also digital available for the Amazon Kindle app! With the free Kindle e-reader app (available for Android and Apple iOS) you always have the maps with you on your tablet or phone. Look at here the range of language cards on Amazon.
Use of color
Subject, indirect object, direct object, genitive, after a preposition
For example in the active and passive voice:
These colors correspond as much as possible from language to language (Spanish, French, English, Latin and German) and are also used as such in the Macco Lingui app used.
Listen to the cards using a QR code
Scan the QR code to listen to the card with your phone or tablet!
All recordings were narrated by native speakers.
For example:
Please respect copyright
Our language cards are subject to copyright. It is not permitted to copy, scan or reproduce the cards in any other way.
© Macco VOF