Just arrived from the printer: the language cards for our completely new French course. Now available in the Online store, schools can also order via info@macco.nl.
The books for the new course will be published within a few weeks. Want to know more about our completely new course? More information quickly on our website and social media, or send us an email (info@macco.nl)
We also have some free language puzzles that can be solved (almost) entirely with the help of the cards! You can find more free language puzzles on our website puzzle page.
- Language puzzle with language card Prêt au départ! (1) 984 Downloads
- Language puzzle with language card Prêt au départ! (2) 801 Downloads
- Language puzzle with language card Nous voilà partis! (1) 799 Downloads
- Language puzzle with language card Nous voilà partis! (2) 789 Downloads